WARNING: IF YOU ARE THIS PERSON, DO NOT COME TO THE UNITED STATES! Hey my friends... how are you? Good or not? In today's video I talk a little about what 80% of Brazilians who are here in the United States are like... If you are not here yet, learn from these mistakes so that when you get here you will not go through the same things... Now if you are already here and identified with what I said in the video, I have good news for you... It is up to you to start doing things differently and change your reality... WATCH UNTIL THE END __________________________________________________________________________________________________ DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL, ACTIVATE THE BELL AND LEAVE YOUR LIKE... UNTIL THE NEXT VIDEO, THANKS!! IF YOU WANT TO FOLLOW ME MORE CLOSELY IN MY DAY TO DAY LIFE HERE IN AMERICA FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM / leolabordaeua HUGS! ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ WARNING: IF YOU ARE THIS PERSON DO NOT COME TO THE UNITED STATES! #LifeInTheUSA #ImmigrantsInTheUSA #massachusetts #boston #usa #deliveryusa #deliveryestadosunidos #livingintheusa #doordashdriver #lifeinamerica #braziliansinmassachusetts #braziliansinboston #gringa