This voice was created by Typecast, an AI voice actor service. AI voice actor Seongwook (or AI voice actor OO and n others) https://typecast.ai/ (For reference, the reason I changed it to Typecast is because Naver Clova doesn't read the demon names properly..ㅋㅋ) Warhammer 40k settings: http://bitly.kr/GrYvUjTf Warhammer 40,000 basic settings: • Basic introduction video Used music: Xenos presence - Dawn of war 2 Attack Without Mercy _ Battlefleet Gothic_ Armada II Soundtrack Dark Souls III Soundtrack OST - Yhorm The Giant Source: w40k rulebook 9th video referred: 1. gamesworkshop trailers 2. battlefleet gothic 2 cutscene Copyright Info: This video is unofficial and in no shape or form endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Warhammer 40,000 franchise belongs to Games Workshop, and I am in no way or form affiliated with it.