A screen adaptation of the story of the same name by Viktor Kurochkin. Junior lieutenant Maleshkin, who has just graduated from military school, is appointed commander of a self-propelled gun with an experienced crew. And now Maleshkin is waiting for his first battle... ————————————————————————————— ► Watch Lenfilm classics in the best quality through our convenient playlist: • Lenfilm Classics. Watch in good quality... —————————————————————————— Director: Viktor Tregubovich Screenplay: Viktor Tregubovich, Viktor Kurochkin Artist: Semyon Malkin, Georgy Kropachev, Sergey Golovin ——— Starring: Mikhail Kononov, Yuri Dubrovin, German Kolushkin, Alexey Kozhevnikov, Petr Gorin, Oleg Borisov, Mikhail Gluzsky, Valentin Zubkov, Viktor Pavlov, Boris Arakelov. ————————————————————————— ∎ Official website of Channel Five: Website - http://5-tv.ru Projects http://5-tv.ru/projects/ TV program - http://5-tv.ru/schedule/ TV series - http://5-tv.ru/films/ News - http://5-tv.ru/news/ --- ∎ Social networks: VK Group - http://vk.com/5tvpromo We are on Facebook - / 5tv.ru We are on Twitter - / 5tv Our Instagram - / 5_tv