Hi! This time we will tour Glodok Pancoran ahead of the 2024 Chinese New Year! As usual, ahead of the Chinese New Year or Sincia or Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year, Glodok is definitely one of the most visited destinations, especially for those looking for Chinese New Year decorations, Chinese New Year-themed clothes, or just window shopping. Before going to Glodok in a crowd, Treatvel will take you on a trip to Glodok without the heat ~ • Like content like this? Let's subscribe! https://bit.ly/treatvel • Chapters: 0:00 Main Gate 9:59 Petak Enam (Chandra Building) 13:40 Pancoran Chinatown Point 15:39 Teh Botol Sosro Culinary Center 16:46 Glodok Market 18:40 Petak Sembilan Market 20:56 This Year's Chinese New Year Clothing Collection in Glodok