✅ CAR PRICES IN PORTUGAL DOCUMENTATION CPLP FINANCING! ✈️???????? Hello everyone, how are you? ???? Welcome to another video here on our channel. In today's video we present to you the prices of used cars in Portugal, we chose the PJ AUTOMÓVEIS store which is located in Barcelos very close to where we live. A renowned store in the market, with several quality cars and differentiated service with the salesman Dejair Santos. We present to you all the necessary documentation for financing, the number of installments that the bank makes and everything you need to know to have your car in Portugal. Remembering that to finance it is necessary to have residence in Portugal and meet some necessary requirements that the bank asks for. Very good news is that the PJ AUTOMÓVEIS store is now accepting the new CPLP residence as well. Stay with us until the end of the video, because you who are subscribed to our channel will have a Special Bonus when purchasing your vehicle at the PJ AUTOMÓVEIS store. Store Information: Website: www.pj-automoveis.com Email: [email protected] / [email protected] Phone: +351 - 253 894 051 / +351 - 938 815 221 Address: Av. das Pontes nº 131 - Tamel (São Veríssimo) Barcelos - Portugal ================= ???? Our Instagram: ▶️ @juntosnaeuro ???? Our TikTok: ▶️ @juntosnaeuro ???? Video Link on Youtube: • ✅ CAR PRICES IN PORTUGAL DOCU... ✅ Videos from our channel that can help you: ▶️ Price of Electronics and Home Appliances in Portugal: • ✅ ELECTRONIC AND HOME APPLIANCE PRICES... ▶️ Market Price in Portugal: • ✅ MARKET PRICES IN PORTUGAL ✈️???????? ▶️ Cost of living in Portugal: • ✅ COST OF LIVING IN PORTUGAL 2023 ✈???????? ▶️ Advantages of Living in Portugal: • ✅ 5 ADVANTAGES OF LIVING IN PORTUGAL ... ▶️ Disadvantages of Living in Portugal: • ✅ 5 DISADVANTAGES OF LIVING IN PORTUGAL... #movingtoportugal #braziliansinportugal #portugal #europe #livinginportugal #vianadocastelo #ourexperienceinportugal #imigrateportugal #togetherineuro #immigrantexperience #livinginportugal #weare1konyoutube #morethanthousandsubscribersonthechannel #sohappy #Godisincontrol #couplelivinginportugal #carpriceinportugal #financing #documentsneededtofinanceacarinportugal #usedcarsinportugal #cplpresidence #usedcarpricesinportugal #qualitystore #everythingyouneedtoknow #carshoppinginportugal Come with us together in Euro!