Koko-chan, Mimi, Ripp, and their friend Sho-kun are trapped in a sauna where men and women can enter together 😨 How long can they endure in a world that is too hot!? They are in a pinch where they will die if they don't escape quickly! Collect various items and escape from the burning sauna! #Minecraft #Pikomins #EscapeーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーPlease follow us on social media 🐈 【Twitter】 ➡️ / pikomins3 【Instagram】 ➡️ / pikomins ー ... If you agree, please click the like button👍 and subscribe to the channel☆ / @coconatchan_1 Latest video playlist • ❤Latest video❤️ ❤️Google+❤️ https://plus.google.com/about?hl=ja The sound effects used are listed in the channel description♪ Thank you❤