????As time goes by, influencers are occupying an increasingly important place in society. This has profound implications for traditional professions, as these influencers are offered a range of opportunities. In a world where anyone can become an influencer, what is the place of traditional professions, and is this evolution beneficial or worrying for society? I don't have any recommendations for scientific articles for this video, but here are some relevant articles from the online press: • Government and influencers: "The red line between propaganda and communication has been crossed" https://www.lefigaro.fr/vox/politique... • Influencers everywhere, journalists nowhere? https://ancre-magazine.com/crazy-sall... • Gaspard G, the YouTuber with 1 million subscribers, joins the France Inter morning show this Monday Les Echos https://www.lesechos.fr/tech-medias/m... • Influencer profession: evolution and perspectives https://www.kolsquare.com/fr/blog/inf... • How influencers have reinvented society and our consumption habits Le Club https://blogs.mediapart.fr/civitch/bl... • Between influencers and journalists, a persistent mistrust la revue des médias https://larevuedesmedias.ina.fr/entre... Music Ona - Poison @Maleyko