1st Selection of Vaneiras with 15 Great Hits to Listen to, Remember and Dance. Vaneiras Volume 1: 01. From the Ground (Os Serranos) 02. Smell of the Warehouse (Os Monarcas) 03. Here at the End of the World (Candeeiro Group) 04. To Dance with Tied Glue (Chiquito and Bordoneio) 05. Country Delicacy (Rodeio Group) 06. A Bucking Bagual (João Luiz Corrêa) 07. Raised in a Warehouse (Os Serranos) 08. Soul of the Pampa (Os Monarcas) 09. Annunciation (Minuano Group) 10. Flourishing the Accordion (The 4 Gaudérios) 11. Tibúrcio's Dancer (Os Serranos) 12. I'm Coming Back to Stay (Os Monarcas) 13. It's Saturday (Tchê Barbaridade) 14. Gaudério and Chineiro (João Luiz Corrêa) 15. Tamer and Bagpiper (Chiquito and Bordoneio)