Let's see the average voltages in a switching power supply. All Burgoseletronica courses - Special price: https://wa.me/p/4398654780234040/5511... Store on Whatsapp: https://wa.me/c/5511920065996 Enrollment for the live course - Analysis of the BN44-00704E source - Burgoseletronica - R$200.00 https://pag.ae/7Y7e3SWw8 Course lasting 4 hours. Classes on 05/28/2022, 06/04/2022, 06/11/2022 and 06/18/2022 from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm and Certificate of completion. Understand how the BN44-000704E source works and how to repair it PIX Key: [email protected] Deposit: Bradesco Ag. 3003-1 CC. 139973-0 Beneficiary Burgoseletronica Ltda Caixa Econômica Federal Ag. 1368 Operation 013 Account 7756-5 Beneficiary Luis Carlos Burgos E-mail: [email protected] Promotions in our stores until 04/18/2022: http://www.burgoseletronica.com.br http://www.lojaburgoseletronica.com.br Whatsapp: (11) 92006-5996 Instagram: @burgoseletronica Newton C Braga Channel: / institutonc. . Our business partners: http://www.esquemafacil.com.br http://www.clubedotecnicobrasil.com.br