Easy Electronics and RIGOL Class 1, from the series Exploring the RIGOL DS1074Z Plus oscilloscope step by step, you will learn in the Course and Tutorial and Review How to Use the OSCILLOSCOPE, Oscilloscope for Beginners, what is an oscilloscope? What are the devices necessary to perform the first measurements with the oscilloscope? How many measurement channels should the oscilloscope have? What is the maximum voltage I can measure with the oscilloscope? How to calibrate the oscilloscope probe? ▶ Get your DISCOUNT NOW With the COUPON: EFACIL5 and Boost your Workbench with RIGOL Equipment 🟡 RIGOL Distributors: 🟡 OHMINI: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIGOL_COM_DESCONTO_OHMINI ◀ 🟡 RAISA: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIGOL_COM_DESCONTO_RAISA ◀ 🟡 RCBI: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIGOL_COM_DESCONTO_RCBI ◀ 🟡 Rio Link: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIO_LINK_RIGOL_DESCONTO ◀ 🟡GETROTECH: ▶ https://bit.ly/RIGOL_COM_DESCONTO_GET... ◀ 🟡 Download the Electronic Workbench APP NOW! ▶ https://bit.ly/APP_BANCADA_ELETRONICA... For Free and Learn How to Use the RIGOL Oscilloscope PLAYING in a Fun Way! 🔴 Download our Free E-book NOW ▶ http://cursoseletronicafacil.com.br/ and Discover Our Electronics and Programming Courses 🛒 Products and tools to work with Electronics can be found in the OFFICIAL STORE ▶ https://www.lojaeletronicafacil.com.br ⚡ 💡 Easy Electronics Channel Group on Telegram! Visit: https://t.me/canaleletronicafacil 🔴 Follow us on our SOCIAL MEDIA: ⚡Instagram: @eletronica_facil_oficial @RigolBrasil 🟡 RIGOL LinkedIn: /br-rigol With RIGOL, your electronic maintenance, electronic circuit development and products are sensational! Using RIGOL equipment, rigol ds 1052e, rigol ds 1102e, rigol ds1102z-e, rigol DS 1202Z-E, rigol DS 1054Z, rigol DS1074Z Plus, rigol DS1104Z Plus, rigol DS1074Z-S Plus, rigol DS1104Z-S Plus, rigol DS 2102A, rigol DS 2202A, rigol DS 2302A, MSO 2102A, RIGOL MSO 2102A-S, MSO 2202A, RIGOL MSO 2202A-S, RIGOL MSO 2302A, RIGOL MSO 2302A-S, DS 8034-R, RIGOL DS 8104-R, RIGOL DS 8204-R, RIGOL DS 7014, RIGOL DS 7024, RIGOL DS 7034, RIGOL DS 7054, MSO 7014, RIGOL MSO 7014, RIGOL MSO 7024, RIGOL MSO 7034, RIGOL MSO 7054, rigol MSO 5072, MSO 5074, rigol MSO 5102, rigol MSO 5104, MSO 5354, rigol MSO 5354, rigol MSO 8064, rigol MSO 8074A, rigol MSO 8104, rigol MSO 8154A, MSO 8204, rigol MSO 8204, MSO 8204A, DHO 1072, rigol DHO 1072, DHO 1074, rigol DHO 1102, DHO 1104, rigol DHO 1104, DHO 1202, rigol DHO 1202, DHO 1204, rigol DHO 1204, RIGOL DHO 4204, rigol DHO 4404, rigol DHO 4804, rigol, rigol hdo4000, ds1054z, rigol mso5000 all signal analysis in black belt form! To be an expert in the oscilloscope field, it is very important to delve into the following topics: rigol oscilloscope, oscilloscope, rigol oscilloscope review, rigol oscilloscope tutorial, rigol oscilloscope, rigol brazil, oscilloscope basics, oscilloscope review, digital oscilloscope, good digital oscilloscope for beginners, oscilloscope, oscilloscope, 3 in 1 oscilloscope, bench oscilloscope, how to use an oscilloscope in board maintenance, what is the best oscilloscope, use of digital oscilloscope, best oscilloscope, oscilloscope is expensive, oscilloscope for beginners, oscilloscope class, is it worth buying an oscilloscope, rigol differential tip, oscilloscope modes, automotive oscilloscope, portable oscilloscope, oscilloscope course, digital oscilloscope, how to use an oscilloscope, digital oscilloscope, how to use an oscilloscope, oscilloscope course, oscilloscope automotive, cheap oscilloscope, how to use oscilloscope, how to use oscilloscope, trigger adjustment, oscilloscope tutorial, scope, electronics, trigger, raise, oscilloscope tutorial, oscilloscope step by step, use hantek oscilloscope, how to use oscilloscope, how to test board with oscilloscope, what is an oscilloscope for, oscilloscope review, how to measure with oscilloscope, learn oscilloscope, study oscilloscope, burn oscilloscope, don't burn oscilloscope, how to learn to use an oscilloscope, self-propelled oscilloscope course, oscilloscope course, what is the frequency, cheap oscilloscope, mini oscilloscope, learn to use oscilloscope, how to learn to use an oscilloscope, beginner oscilloscope, oscilloscope for beginners, what is an oscilloscope, measurements with oscilloscope, oscilloscope from scratch, oscilloscope basics, oscilloscope from basic to advanced, GET TO KNOW THE RIGOL OSCILLOSCOPE now and learn oscilloscope with the easy electronic family and professor Rodolpho. Classes of the Exploring the Oscilloscope Event: Class 1: • Course and Tutorial How to Use the OSCILLOSCOPE... Class 2: • How to Learn Oscilloscope from Scratch? W... Class 3: • RIGOL Oscilloscope Course - How to Us... Class 4: • Which RIGOL Oscilloscope to Choose? Wh... Class 5: • Will This BURN THE OSCILLOSCOPE? How... Watch Now: ➡️Free RIGOL Oscilloscope Course on Youtube⚡ • Electronics Course - Easy Electronics...