Check out my Course with 300 Exercises http://bit.ly/2LkS38D Here we have a course with 170 Exercises http://bit.ly/2rJT6FZ Today I will show you a video with volleyball exercises to do at home during quarantine. They are touch exercises to keep the ball from rolling when setting the ball and ball catching exercises in attack to have a more effective spike in volleyball. Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/2ukxW1Y We will use the fundamentals of touch, header and reception. Practice volleyball, volleyball is health, volleyball is life. Follow me on social media Prof. Giovani Soldera fan page / gigiosoldera facebook page / giovani.soldera Subscribe to the channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiWg... Watch the video • VOLLEYBALL TRAINING AT HOME #WITH ME TOUCH... #volleyball #volley #volleyball #volley #brazil #volleyball2019 #volleyballgame #volleyballball #women'svolleyball #volleyballsport #superleague #olympics #sadacruzeiro #volleyball #volleyballgame #minasmensvolleyball #volleyballplays #volleyskills #blocking #perfectvolleyballplays #sãopaulobaruervolley #bestvolleyballmoments #flamengovolley #dangerousvolley #voleyball #poolvolleyball