The story of a store clerk (voiced by Saori Hayami) and a customer (voiced by Ayane Sakura) who are gradually growing closer, but are still in uproar inside. The long-awaited second volume of the much-talked-about "Kuchibeta Shokudo" voice comic! In addition to the store clerk (Kuchinashi-san) and the customer (Yanagi-san), there are plenty of other characters to enjoy! The latest 5 volumes of the comic are now on sale! (As of December 2024) Click here to read a preview of "Kuchibeta Shokudo" ↓ https://comic-walker.com/detail/KC_00... Click here for the first volume of the "Kuchibeta Shokudo" voice comic ↓ • Voiced by Saori Hayami and Ayane Sakura "Kuchibeta Shokudo" voice comic [Cast information] Clerk (Kuchinashi): Saori Hayami Customer (Yanagi): Ayane Sakura Kuriko, Haruka, and others: Mayuko Kazama Mizuhana and others: Haruka Sato Azuki and others: Ageha Harusaka Ichijiku, Momoko, and others: Saki Takahashi Teru and others: Kimi Narita Kousuke [Book information for Volume 5] Author: Bonshin Price: 803 yen (730 yen + tax) Release date: December 12, 2024 ISBN: 9784047381889 Book page: https://www.kadokawa.co.jp/product/32... #Saori Hayami #Ayane Sakura #Kuchibeta Shokudo #Sample Reading