The federal police have their hands full at the train stations in Leipzig and Halle. In "Brennpunkt Bahnhof" we accompany federal police officers in their dangerous everyday lives: from theft and drug trafficking to life-threatening situations. Do you want to see more? Then watch season 1 of "Brennpunkt Bahnhof": • Brennpunkt Bahnhof Helfer im Einsetz... We would be delighted if you visit us on our Facebook channel and follow us there. ► facebook.com/DerstarkeOsten #Bundespolizei #Bahnhof #Mitteldeutschland #Leipzig #Halle #Kriminalität #Polizeieinsatz #Drogenhandel #Sicherheit #Dokumentation #Brennpunkt #Polizeialltag #Einsatzkräfte #Deeskalation #Explongstoffalarm