☑️THIS IS ANOTHER VIDEO FROM MY CHANNEL 💚 IT WAS ALL PREPARED WITH A LOT OF LOVE AND CARE FOR YOU 💚 #rumoa50k #vlog #martaadorno #vidanaroça #vidanocampo This is the link to the lane plantas channel: / @val-h7x I'm Marta Adorno ☑️ Christian ☑️Married ☑️mother of 3 jewels I live on a farm in Guaraí -TO Follow me on: 🔖Instagram:https://instagram.com/martabadorno?ig... 🔖Tik tok:https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMJhWHdpw/ 💌Business Email [email protected] 📦 Post Office Box -92 ZIP CODE:77700-000 Guarai -TO 💚INGREDIENTS: QUIBEBE WITH SUN-DRIED BEEF ✏️MINCED SUN-DRIED BEEF ✏️MINCED MANDIOCA ✏️ONION ✏️GARLIC ✏️SAFFRON ✏️TOMATO 💚 💚 Preparation: watch the video! ♥️Make it and tag me on Instagram: @martabadorno ✏️ SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL 👍 LIKE IT 🙏🏾 SHARE IT 💋 XEROOOOO ☑️Leave your recipe suggestions in the comments and if you made this recipe and liked it, tell me, I want to know everything. Kisses on your heart6.