This may come as bad news to you, but our bodies are home to a whole host of nasty microbes that are just waiting for the moment when our body and immune system weaken so they can start killing our cells. While our immune system is healthy, these microbes live humbly in our bodies, in small quantities. Some of them even produce substances and vitamins that are beneficial to us. But when our immune system weakens, we see their true colors! Most of them are so disgusting in appearance that you might feel sick just from the fact that these guys live inside us! Meanwhile, these microbes live in our mouths, nasal cavities, intestines, and even bile! In this video, I will tell you and show you five of the nastiest microorganisms that can cause terrible diseases in humans, but are living in your body right now and tasting you! viruses, bacteria, virus, streptococcus, klebsiella, E. coli, epidemic, health, medicine, 3D animation, staphylococcus, microorganisms, pandemic, interesting facts, facts, top 5, top, top 10, interesting, educational, amazing facts, top10, 10 facts, top5, animals, top 10, the most, top 5, the best, incredible, unusual, 10 most, selection, scientific facts, facts about space, universe, history, space