In this VIRTUAL QUIZ we will have 30 General Knowledge Questions about Brazil. It is a great test of knowledge about Brazil. These are questions with alternatives and answers. QUESTIONS IN THIS VIRTUAL QUIZ 1 - What is the capital of the state of Alagoas? 2 - In which region of Brazil is the Pantanal located? 3 - Which of the following painters is Brazilian? 4 - Which of the following characters is part of Brazilian folklore? 5 - What is the name of the Brazilian poet considered the poet of slaves? 6- Which Brazilian city was the site of the first Dutch invasion? 7 - Which of the following cities is the Corrida de Reis held? 8 - Capixaba is someone born in which Brazilian state? 9 - He was not part of the comedy group Os Trapalhões. 10 - What is the most populous city in the southern region of Brazil? 11 - Jabá with pumpkin is a typical dish of the cuisine of which region of Brazil? 12 - What is the largest mammal in Brazil? 13 - What is the largest Brazilian popular festival? 14 – In Brazil, on what date is Flag Day celebrated? 15 – How many times was Ayrton Senna Formula 1 champion? 16 – In which state is Chapada dos Veadeiros located? 17 – What is the real name of the television presenter Silvio Santos? 18 – Which of the following states does not border Maranhão? 19 – What is the highest point in Brazil? 20 – How old was Pelé when he won his first World Cup? 21 – What is the most produced fruit in Brazil? 22 – Which of the following cities was once the capital of Brazil? 23 – Which of the following drinks is typically Brazilian? 24 – It is not a character from Sítio do Picapau Amarelo. 25 – The Itaipu hydroelectric plant is located on the border between which countries? 26 – Which of the following dances is typical of the state of Mato Grosso? 27 – Porto Velho is the capital of which Brazilian state? 28 – Which animal from the Brazilian fauna is printed on the back of the 20 reais note? 29 – Among the following states, which is the smallest in territorial extension? 30 – How many states make up the southeast region of Brazil? #VIRTUALQUIZ #BRAZIL #QUESTIONS #GENERALKNOWLEDGE