The ruins of Klingenstein Castle, also known as Salla Castle and in literature sometimes under the double name "Klingenstein/Salla Castle", lie west of the village of Salla in the market town of Maria Lankowitz in western Styria. Its history can only be partially reconstructed due to a lack of written sources. Structural details such as the masonry and the design of the loopholes make it likely that it was built in the second half of the 15th century, which is quite late compared to other Austrian castles. The Counts of Montfort, who ruled over the nearby village of Salla at the time, are likely to have been the builders. From the 16th century at the latest, the castle was owned by the noble Saurau family and subsequently by the Glojacher family. The castle was probably destroyed by fire in the 16th century and was not rebuilt. English: The ruins of Klingenstein Castle, also known as Salla Castle and in literature sometimes under the double name “Burg Klingenstein/Salla”, are located west of the village of Salla in the market town of Maria Lankowitz in western Styria. Due to the lack of written sources, their history can only be reconstructed incompletely. Due to structural details such as the masonry and the design of the embrasures, it seems likely that it was built in the second half of the 15th century, which is quite late compared to other Austrian castles. The possible builders were the Counts of Montfort, who at that time held control of the nearby village of Salla. From the 16th century at the latest, the castle was owned by the noble Saurau family and subsequently by the Glojacher family. The castle was probably destroyed by fire in the 16th century and was not rebuilt.