In this VIRTUAL QUIZ we will have multiple choice history questions with commented answers. They are questions about Brazilian History and General History. Questions like the Show do Milhão program. Questions for ENEM, COMPETITIONS, SELECTION TESTS, among others. Great for those who like brain exercises or IQ tests. VIRTUAL QUIZ is an online test in a challenge format with general knowledge questions with answers. Questions in this VIRTUAL QUIZ. 1 - What was the first capital of Brazil? 2 - What was the name of Tiradentes, one of the leaders of the Inconfidência Mineira? 3 - What was the main product of the Brazilian economy during the Second Reign? 4 - Who proclaimed the republic in Brazil in 1889? 5 - Who was Margaret Thatcher? 6 - In which cities in Japan did the USA drop atomic bombs during World War II? 7 - In which Brazilian state did the Canudos War take place? 8 - In what year was Dom Pedro II crowned Emperor of Brazil? 9 – Who was the second President of Brazil? 10 – In what year did the Titanic sink? 11 – Who was the author of the US Declaration of Independence? 12 – In which Brazilian state did the Ragamuffin War take place? 13 – What was the year of the first flight of Santos Dumont’s 14 Bis? 14 – In what year was NASA founded? 15 – What was the period of the Vietnam War? 16 – Which emperor set fire to Rome? 17 – The Peloponnesian War was between: 18 – What was the period of the First Republic in Brazil? 19 – The city of Pompeii, which was buried by a volcano, is in which of these countries? 20 – Which countries were part of the Triple Alliance during the Paraguayan War? 21 – How old was Dom Pedro II when he assumed the throne? 22 – The Cold War was a political-ideological conflict between which countries? 23 – What plant was used to make writing material in ancient Egypt? 24 – In which country was Napoleon Bonaparte born? 25 – Which president of Brazil used the broom as a campaign symbol? 26 – Nelson Mandela was president of which country? 27 – Who was the first president of the USA? 28 – Which city was the capital of the Inca Empire? 29 – Who was the only president of the USA to resign? 30 – Cleopatra was queen of: #GENERALKNOWLEDGE #HISTORY #QUESTIONS