Welcome to VIRTUAL QUIZ number 76. VIRTUAL QUIZ is a free online general knowledge quiz. In this VIRTUAL QUIZ we will have 30 questions on Curiosities and Varieties. There are diverse questions about animals, music, food, culture, curiosities and varieties in general. They are easy questions for gingana and games like “pie in the face”. Great general knowledge quiz. Our questions are for people who like game shows like Show do Milhão and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. QUESTIONS IN THIS VIRTUAL QUIZ: 1 – What is the name given to the car’s spare tire? 2 – What is the color of the ruby gemstone? 3 – What is the name of the place where wines are stored? 4 – In a leap year, in which month is 1 day added? 5 – How long is each half of a soccer match? 6 – Which singer became known as “the king of rock”? 7 – Arachnophobia is the fear of: 8 – What is the reptile that changes color depending on the place it is in? 9 – What does the expression “e-mail” mean? 10 – How many arms does an octopus have? 11 – What class of animals does the penguin belong to? 12 – How many natural sets of teeth does a human being have during a lifetime? 13 – Banjo is a: 14 – What is the area of medicine that treats children? 15 – What is the largest bird in the Americas? 16 – Which river runs through the city of London, England? 17 – Mariachi is a traditional musical genre from which country? 18 – How many noses does an ant have? 19 – What is the meaning of the arrows on the international recycling symbol? 20 – Mountain climbing is a sport practiced where? 21 – A philumenist is a collector of: 22 – People with albinism have: 23 – What is the fastest animal in the world? 24 – What is the name of the energy generated by the wind? 25 – Insulin is produced by: 26 – Risotto is a typical food of which country? 27 – What is the color of the airplane's black box? 28 – In which part of the shrimp's body is the heart located? 29 – What is the most popular sport in the USA? 30 – What is the unit that measures the intensity of sound? #VIRTUALQUIZ #CURIOSITIES #VARIETIES #GENERALKNOWLEDGE