At the end of my professional career, adidas bestowed a very special honor on me. Not only was I invited on an exclusive tour of the legendary adidas archive at the company headquarters in Herzogenaurach, but I was also allowed to leave the shoe from my last race there - alongside the true treasures of many a sporting legend. PHILIPPS PARTNER adidas: https://adidas.de Marathon Team Berlin: https://www.marathon-team-berlin.de AG1: www.drinkag1.com/philipp ERDINGER Alcohol-free: https://de.erdinger.de/biere/alkoholf... INCYLENCE: https://incylence.com/collections/phi... Polar: https://polar.com/de SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: / philipp.pflieger Facebook: / philipp.pflieger Twitter: / philipppflieger PODCAST Best time: https://bestzeit.podigee.io MOYO KAFFEE Shop: https://shop.philipp-pflieger.de BUSINESS Mail: [email protected]