Command tent for secret operations – Karlovy Vary rectory. Russian intelligence agents were supposed to meet here. Perhaps those on whom the European Union imposed sanctions. What was happening in western Bohemia? Ondřej Kundra, an investigative reporter for the weekly magazine Respekt, tells an interesting classified case. Matěj Skalický asks. You can listen to all episodes of the Vinohradská 12 podcast conveniently in the mujRozhlas mobile application for Android (https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...) and iOS (https://apps.apple.com/cz/app/id14556...) or on the mujRozhlas.cz website (https://www.mujrozhlas.cz/rapi/view/s...). Text transcript with sources: https://www.irozhlas.cz/vinohradska12