Bad news from Kiel: From now on, subsidies will be linked to the educational level of the respective communities. A devastating prospect for Büttenwarder. Mayor Schönbiehl therefore immediately calculated how to avert the looming crisis. Three people have to get their secondary school certificate. Hunger for education or thirst for beer? The candidates are to be prepared for the exam in Büttenwarder's summer village school. It is not so much the hunger for education as the thirst for beer that drives Brakelmann and Adsche to school. Schönbiehl has offered a success bonus, which the two farmers can use to put the village pub landlord Shorty in a more conciliatory mood. School or Shorty? But everyday school life soon takes its toll. And not just on the students. Schönbiehl, who is blessed with an exemplary general education, is also in trouble. Episode 25 / 2009 / buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de/buettenwarder https://www.ndr.de