Brothers “Mogiano and Mogianinho” (Mogi Mirim, SP: viola / guitar) perform: Green Cane (Tonico and Tinoco), Sad Farewell (Tonico, Tinoco and Anacleto Rosas Jr.), Sower (Tonico and Cap. Furtado), Goodbye Brunette Goodbye (Piraci and Luiz Alex), Happy Countryman (Nonô Basílio), Old Father (Chiquinho and Zé Tapera), and Weight of the Cross (Jesus Belmiro and Paraíso). Part of the Program “Moda de Viola” recorded at the Villaggio Alvorada Farm (São Carlos, SP) and shown on “Tv Cultura Paulista” on 05/01/2022. Special posted here on the channel “Sertaneja Raiz” on 11/26/2022. Script and presentation by “José Angelo”.