Starting from a hobby and dreaming of realizing dreams. Mas Uniel, one of the old friends in the world of Pervespaan Jakarta, opened a classic Vespa showroom @unielvespashowroom in the Pondok Kelapa area of East Jakarta. Special. All types of Vespa are here, starting from VBA, VBB, VNB, VGLB, Sprint, Special, PTS, starting from the original paint to those that have been totally restored, and those that are not shown one by one (a lot) 🥰👌🫣🛵. No wonder the price of Vespa vehicles is currently extraordinary, so it is a long-term investment 🥰🛵🎉 Curious about the collection and its selling price. 🤭 Watch the video until the end, okay 👌🙏 Visit IG @vintage__enthusiast for custom chairs and other automotive accessories. @vintage__enthusiast.dealer for collection vehicles that are planned to be released and maintained in turn. And @vintage__enthusiast.catalogue for cool automotive t-shirt apparel... You can also check out directly at the green shop. https://tokopedia.link/vintageenthusiast #vespaindonesia #jualvespa #vespatua