Songs for children in Polish with 3D animations: Vegetables + 45 minutes You can download it now from the App Store (https://itunes.apple.com/ro/app/piose...) or Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/apps/de.... Click here to subscribe: / @heykids_pl Songs for children playlist: • Songs for Children in Polish - Songs... Join us on Facebook: / piosenka-dla-dzieci-tv-1656821101274070 0:00 Vegetables 1:24 The Brown Mongrel: https://goo.gl/CE9mYg 3:35 Grandpa Had a Cool Farm: https://goo.gl/tn8JVt 6:14 Little Mouse: https://goo.gl/j38FJi 8:16 Kółko Graniaste: https://goo.gl/hWyssY 10:16 Little Teddy Bear: https://goo.gl/pVfynA 11:46 The Wheels of the Bus Are Turning: https://goo.gl/sjIzRm 14:05 Jawor, Jawor Jawor People: https://goo.gl/36kETC 16:19 Krakowiaczek One: https://goo.gl/wt1Luy 18:15 Six Little Ducks: https://goo.gl/KmyaZA 19:34 Kosi Kosi Łapci: https://goo.gl/cxXdSb 21:38 Five Little Ducklings: https://goo.gl/dp5b1i 23:21 Tola the Cow: http://goo.gl/19ok1u 25:11 Old Bear Sleeps Soundly: https://goo.gl/E2Axgi 26:55 My Happy Grandma: https://goo.gl/Sfo1KB 30:00 Elephants on a Web: https://goo.gl/5ku9dd 33:00 Good Friends: https://goo.gl/YFXAkw 34:45 Aaa Two Kittens: https://goo.gl/H1mY8y 37:10 Little Chickens: https://goo.gl/1LWljF 38:38 Grandma Had a Rooster: https://goo.gl/u4qUY6 40:40 Here Come the Bears: https://goo.gl/s0zjqr 43:15 I Am a Preschooler: https://goo.gl/PXagPA Vegetables text -------------------------------------------------------- Eat vegetables, because they are good for your health, and for strength too Grow taller, and blush /No/ of your friends, you will not be defeated by Carrots from the ground, Kohlrabi has already jumped out, Red Tomato is standing right next to it, laughing and asking, who will eat us /today/? Eat vegetables, because it's good And for your health, and strength too Grow taller, and blush /No/ of your friends will defeat you Eat vegetables, because it's good And for your health, and strength too Grow taller, and blush /No/ of your friends will defeat you HeyKids Polski – PiosenkiDlaDzieci - Songs for children in Polish ------------------------------------------------ © 2019 Vveee Media Limited. ------------------------------------------------