Released on June 1, 1974, this is the debut single by Yamamoto Kotaro and the Weekend. Lyrics: Michio Yamagami Music: Kotaro Yamamoto According to Yamagami, who wrote the lyrics, he wrote the song based on a comprehensive image he had gained from walking around the capes of Japan, but in Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture, the Miura Peninsula is said to be the setting, and Yamagami also said, "This song is loved by the people of Miura, and it makes me happy." With the violence of the crashing waves, I wanted to love you more. The bus that goes around the capes runs. How do I live? If I sink deep in my heart, I'll end this journey and go back to the city. It can be said to be a song about a man who has lost his love, or a man who is devastated by the death of the woman he loved. However, it is a song of encouragement for people who are always making mistakes, as it is about accepting all the sadness and starting anew. He was active in the folk group "Salty Sugar" since his days at Hitotsubashi University. In 1970, she won the Japan Record Award for New Artist with "Hashire Kotaro," and in 1974, she released "Misaki Meguri" under the name "Yamamoto Kotaro and Weekend," which became a hit. Unfortunately, she passed away in the early hours of July 4, 2022, from a cerebral hemorrhage. She was 73 years old. #MisakiMeguri #HiroseSuzu