⭐️ The recipe for Alsatian tarte flambée for the Thermomix® is of course available again for you to read in our ZauberTopf Club: https://www.zaubertopf.de/flammkuchen... Thin base and the perfect mix of creamy and wonderfully spicy toppings: This is the PERFECT tarte flambée! And the best thing, of course, is the classic tarte flambée with onions and bacon! ???? Dési shows you that you never have to resort to frozen tarte flambée again if you recreate this recipe! She shows you how you can make the dough super quickly in the Thermomix®, how you can roll out the base really thinly and which trick you can use to make it perfectly crispy in the oven! Of course, you can top your hearty tarte flambée with all sorts of different things, such as asparagus, goat's cheese, rocket salad or whatever else you find in the fridge! ???? ⭐ Can't get enough of our recipes? ???? Register now for FREE in the mein ZauberTopf club and secure access to thousands of recipes, videos and tips for your Thermomix®: ➡ https://www.zaubertopf.de/club-youtube ✅ Never miss an episode of mein ZauberTopf again! ???? Simply subscribe and be there every week: ➡ https://www.zaubertopf.de/youtube-abo... ???? Do you want to hold something solid in your hand? Then get our print magazine subscription now and don't miss an issue: ➡ https://www.zaubertopf.de/print-abonn... ???? Become part of our community and follow our social media channels for daily recipes and news about mein ZauberTopf: ➡ Instagram: / zaubertopf.de ➡ Facebook: / zaubertopf.de ➡ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.de/meinzaubertopf