Subscribe to the channel + Support us financially ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv Discuss in the Jung & Naiv Forum ► http://forum.jungundnaiv.de/ Guest in the studio: Economist Dirk Ehnts. He represents the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and was a visiting professor at the Berlin School of Economics and Law, the Free University of Berlin and the European University of Flensburg. A conversation about economics and political economy, schools of thought and the history of economic ideas, capitalism, Dirk's youth, career and academic career, government spending, government revenue and the debt brake, money creation by the state and banks, the role of the central bank and the financial market, the Maastricht criteria of the Eurozone, the gold standard and reserve currencies, the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), government deficits and higher government spending as well as the limits of national debt + your questions via Hans Please support our work financially: Account: Jung & Naiv IBAN: DE854 3060 967 104 779 2900 GLS Gemeinschaftsbank PayPal ► http://www.paypal.me/JungNaiv #Schuldenbremse #Haushalt #MMT