An emergency ride to Arnhem, from our perspective. In this video you can see how an SOS access works. We drive 40 km above the permitted speed. We drive a lot on the left side for visibility. On the highway we have to rely on the blue lights and less on the siren. The siren is less audible on the highway. By regularly checking your mirrors you can see us faster. At 3:55 min. The hazard lights give us the idea that the driver has seen us. However, we remain careful because the hazard lights can also have another reason. At 8:30 min. Unfortunately, this truck driver decides to overtake when we arrive. By using high beams we hope that the truck will move back to the right. Fortunately, the overtaking action does not last long and we can get back up to speed. The ambulance vehicles we drive weigh more than four tons. Because of this it takes a while before we get back up to speed. At 11:22 min. By driving in the middle we make ourselves more visible to the cars coming from the left. At 13:20 min. By driving on the cycle path we get to the hospital faster. #emergencyride #a1 #motorway #driving #watching #experience #ambulance #emergency