Kisaragi Station is a fictional train station that does not exist in reality. In 2004, a person who got lost in the station reported his strange experience on an anonymous message board. The legend that started the commotion is still told today as a representative example of netlore (urban legends originating from the Internet). *This story is fiction and is a TRPG play broadcast. *This broadcast includes a "viewer participation element." //////////// Cast //////////// Kuzuha @Kuzuha Tsukino Mito @TsukinoMito Kenmochi Toya @KenmochiToya Shiina Yuika @ShiinaYuika //////////// What is TRPG? ///////////// A table game in which players create characters, act them out, and create a story through conversation like an improvisational play. It is characterized by the use of analog tools such as dice to determine the success/failure of the characters' actions. /////////// Scenario /////////// Web version (free) https://talto.cc/projects/5IZ1NpVr7hK... Book version https://booth.pm/ja/items/4409217 //////////// Spoilers, clipped videos, etc. //////////// Please be considerate when posting "core spoilers" in chat sections or on social media. On Twitter, please consider using "Fusetter" or similar. This stream allows the posting of clippings, fan art, etc., except for the "core spoilers" part. *Please follow the ANYCOLOR derivative work guidelines (https://www.anycolor.co.jp/guidelines/). The core spoilers will be listed as timestamps below after the stream. ????Key spoilers (please consider cutting out and posting on social media): 1:08:50 - 1:39:37 /////////// SPECIAL THANKS /////////// ???? Thumbnail illustration: mono ch. @mono-ch. ???? Character illustration: Poura https://x.com/oekaki1017 ???? Scenario illustration: Shimadoriru https://x.com/simadoriru ???? Streaming screen technical cooperation: Yumesaki Tokiya @tokiya_yumesaki