In this video, I'll give you 10 ideas for EVA tips using scraps, those leftovers from other projects that you can use to make souvenirs. Molds on Facebook Coisas da Nat and Blog. Links below: Coisas da Nat online store with EVA handouts: https://www.elo7.com.br/apostilas-coi... Coisas da Nat mold blog https://moldescoisasdanat.blogspot.co... Coisas da Nat Facebook / canalcoisasdanat PARTNERS: ALMATA QUÍMICA: https://almata.com.br/ EVA RDJ - EVA MAGAZINE: https://www.magazinedoeva.com.br/ ARMARINHO FOGAÇA: https://www.armarinhofogaca.com.br/ (NatIndica discount coupon - everything together with the N and the I in capital letters) AMANDARTE (glasses applique): https://amandarte.loja2.com.br/