⚡The TSE Unified competition had its notice published with positions offered in the Unified Superior Electoral Court competition with a salary of up to R$13.9 thousand! ???? Black Friday Premium Subscription: https://bit.ly/48Vi1aZ Registration for the competition will open next Tuesday! Stay and check out the other details of the TSE Unified's published notice for Technicians and Analysts of the published notice with the offer of 389 vacancies for Technicians and Analysts with a higher level of education. Summary of the Notice Vacancies: 389 Education: Higher education Salary: BRL 8,529.65 to BRL 13,994.78 Application period: 6/4/2024 to 7/18/2024 Application fee: BRL 85.00 and BRL 130.00 Test: 9/22/2024 Board: Cebraspe Applications for the competition may be made through the website of the organizing board, Cebraspe, from June 4th to July 18th, 2024. In order for the application to be approved, the candidate must pay a fee in the amount corresponding to the desired position, being BRL 85.00 for Judicial Technician and BRL 130.00 for Judicial Analyst. ????2024 UNIFIED TSE EXAM: ANSWERING PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION POWERS #unifiedtseedit #unifiedTSEexam #administrativelaw