THE VILLAINS MADE AN EVIL PLAN TO EXPEL US FROM THE SCHOOL OF SUPER VILLAINS This video is a work of fiction for the public's entertainment. In today's video, the Super Villains come together to devise a plan against Canal da Belinha with the aim of expelling them from the School of Villains. If you're curious to find out what's going to happen, watch the video until the end and don't forget to subscribe to Belinha's Channel to see more videos like this. #canaldabelinha #escoladevilões And don't forget to follow me on INSTAGRAM: @canaldabelinha kwai: canaldabelinha Attention: this video is not contains paid promotion for any type of advertiser, so all products presented are spontaneous. BELINHA WAS EXPLAINED FROM THE SCHOOL OF SUPER VILLIONS AND CANNOT STUDY THERE ANYMORE SCHOOL OF SUPER VILLIONS AND CANNOT STUDY THERE ANYMORE