In the Ocean Tale game version, Snowdin is apparently called Sandin... Which in Japanese translates to Snarfle!? ⇩ Sites where images were taken: https://undertale-au.fandom.com/ja/wi...) ⇩ Ocean Tale game and BGM by AlexAT: https://gamejolt.com/games/undertale-... ⇩ Creator of Undertale, tobyfox / tobyfox ⇩ The BGM, sound effects, and materials used in the video were borrowed from the following sites: OtoLogic: https://otologic.jp/ Iwashiro Music Materials: https://iwashiro-sounds.work/ MusMus: https://musmus.main.jp/ On-Jin ~Otojin~: https://on-jin.com/ 魔王魂: https://maou.audio/ Pocket Sound: https://pocket-se.info/ Bitachi Material Museum http://www.vita-chi.net/sozai1.htm Amacha's Music Studio https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/index... Pixel Garo https://hpgpixer.jp/ Sosakudo Sakura Momiji https://yukizakura.net/ Magic Decoration Diagram http://maho-deco.com/ Youfuruka https://wingless-seraph.net/ ai-catcher https://ai-catcher.com/ #undertaleau #UndertaleAU