Hello, College Students! In this video, I talk about postgraduate studies in Brazil! Many students and friends ask me about specializations, MBAs, master's degrees and doctorates. There are many questions about this topic and in this video I try to answer the main questions: what is a postgraduate degree? What is the difference between lato sensu and stricto sensu? How to choose the best postgraduate degree? Can I take more than one postgraduate degree? What is the difference between academic and professional master's degrees and doctorates? Among others! I would also like to thank everyone for the almost 200 subscribers to the Channel! I have been working hard to improve the quality of the videos and bring increasingly relevant topics. Thank you! Like, comment and, if you think the content of the video/channel can help other people, share it! Academic Greetings, Prof. Felipe Guilherme Melo Contacts: E-mail: [email protected] Instagram: /prof.fgmelo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1465107655751049