Nintendo Switch "Momotaro Dentetsu World ~ The Earth Revolves on Hope!" Suehirogarizu (Nanjo/Mishima) will be playing the game! This time, it's a three-year showdown! Mu Continent has risen! Who will become the "number one in total assets in Japan" by making full use of cards, strategically buying properties, and escaping from the poverty god King Bombie? This time, it's a four-person battle between the two members of Suehirogarizu and the staff in the background! Look forward to it! [Please subscribe to the channel and click the like button! ] ★Click here to subscribe to the channel ➡︎https://www.youtube.com/c/SUWE-TV?sub... [Suehirogarizu Station Number] In this channel, Suehirogarizu (Mishima the funny man/Nanjo the straight man), who belongs to Yoshimoto Kogyo, transforms all kinds of things into a kyogen-style, mainly focusing on game commentary! Please enjoy Suehirogarizu, which is different from the manzai of M-1! If you have any requests, please feel free to leave them in the suggestion box (comments section)! We will look at them all! ▽ Recommended! Watch all the way to the latest episode at home! ↓ Animal Crossing: Kemoyabu Chapter 1 All Episodes Summary ↓ • [Animal Crossing: New Horizons] Chapter 1 Suehirogarizu Kyogen-style game commentary ↓ Animal Crossing: Kemoyabu Chapter 2 All Episodes Summary ↓ • [Animal Crossing: New Horizons] Chapter 2 Suehirogarizu Kyogen-style game commentary [Notice] ▽ Get the latest information on Suehirogarizu here! https://profile.yoshimoto.co.jp/talen... "Suehirogarizu Area Code LINE Stamps" are now on sale! ☆[Suwehirogarizu area code stamp] https://line.me/S/sticker/13396640?la... Filmed/edited by Kanamekuto http://kaname10.com #MomotaroDentetsu #Suwehirogarizu #MomotaroDentetsu #MomotaroDentetsuWorld #MuContinentEmerged