In this episode, fraud expert Peter Giesel examines electronics technicians. Among other things, he meets a victim who paid almost ten times the normal price for a minor dryer defect. But is there still honest craftsmanship? ► Full episodes: https://www.kabeleins.de/tv/achtung-a... *************************************** ► Peter Giesel on Facebook: / petergieseltv ► Kabel eins on Facebook: / kabeleins ► Kabel eins on Instagram: / kabel_eins *************************************** #kabeleins BEWARE OF RIP-OFFS - ON THE TRAIL OF FRAUDSTERS In his new mission, fraud expert Peter Giesel examines how honest German service providers are with their customers in terms of price transparency, sincerity and professionalism. Whether it's rip-offs by pest controllers, excessive bills for home repairs, or opaque used car salesmen - Peter Giesel is on the trail of the fraudsters! Beware of rip-offs - on the trail of fraudsters - Thursdays, 8:15 p.m. on Kabel Eins. #PeterGiesel #Bewareofrip-offs #Rip-offs #Control Imprint: https://www.kabeleins.de/service/impr...