This is a summary of my journey in an air-cooled Mexico Beetle. There were absolutely zero problems along the way, and it was a very reliable car. 0:00:00 [Nagano in the Mexico Beetle, Part 1] Driving all day to the plateau 0:29:29 [Nagano, Part 2] The extremely pleasant Kirigamine 1:02:38 [Let's go camping, Part 1] Heading to Shizuoka with a bang 1:23:17 [Let's go camping, Part 2] Exotic food in a tent! 1:50:04 [To the sea] Soaking up the waves of Chiba 2:16:59 [It's Gunma!] Let's go to a super annoying station ------------------------------------------ My name is Unadon. I introduce normal or nearly normal vehicles from 1985 onwards. *Currently, we are not looking for vehicles to film.