It is rightly called the green lung of Italy: Umbria. A fantastic region in the middle of Italy. A destination for those who want to eat lots of meat, drink good wine, and relax while enjoying the wonderful panorama of the green hills that surround most of the villages perched on the promontories. In 4 days obviously you can't see it all as you should. We did our best by touching many points of interest including: Lake Trasimeno (visiting Passignano - 2 times), Assisi, Perugia, Foligno, Gubbio, Spello, Spoleto, Norcia and many neighboring villages such as Trevi and Bettona. We drove for several km by car and on foot enjoying every moment and every breath of this beautiful Italian region. Obviously the Vlog wants to be a starting point and not a guide on what to do mainly. If we had had a few more days we would certainly have gone to Orvieto and Terni for example. Enjoy! If you liked the video, like, subscribe to the channel and comment, I will be happy to give you some more tips based on our experience! Bye :)