Channel group https://t.me/derevenskyzakolhoz link to the telegram, so as not to miss important news and not get lost in the raging world. Today, as always, an interesting story, friends, we will go to visit our viewers Irina and Vyacheslav. At one time, they moved here from Siberia and have lived here for more than 9 years and therefore know everything here. We will learn from them about life in Raevskaya, not a fairy tale, not invented by bloggers, but the real, homespun truth. We will find out why they decided to sell their house in this paradise, very similar to Crimea and move to the Sea of Azov. Who needs Irina's advice on moving and all the pitfalls of life in Raevskaya, contact me, I will give her number. The village of Raevskaya is located near the large port city of Novorossiysk and the resort town of Anapa. Today, more than 20 thousand people live here. Raevskaya is conveniently located, not far from the sea, which makes it attractive to visiting northerners. Many consider it for buying a house and moving to permanent residence in the Krasnodar region.