The story revolves around a touching story about family relationships and connections between generations. On the 8th anniversary of his deceased mother's death, the father introduces Ms. Yen - a retired teacher - and expresses his desire to live with her to keep her company in old age. At first, the son and daughter-in-law are reserved, but with Ms. Yen's sincerity and heart, they gradually accept and consider her as a family member. Ms. Yen is not only responsible for taking care of the family but also takes good care of her son, daughter-in-law and granddaughter. The relationship gradually becomes closer and warmer. However, an unexpected accident on the way to travel seriously injures the father and Ms. Yen. Through that incident, the family realizes the value of unity and love. The story ends with the image of family happiness, when Ms. Yen is loved and respected by everyone as a real mother. The story emphasizes the importance of tolerance, sharing, and family affection in life.