Maria Stella de Azevedo Santos, better known as Mãe Stella de Oxóssi, is not only a famous representative of Candomblé, but also one of the most influential figures in Bahia. Reserved and at the same time playful, Mãe Stella received several awards, honors and decorations, such as the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the Federal University of Bahia (2005), for standing out as a defender of black culture. In addition to being invited to occupy chair number 33 at the Academia de Letras da Bahia (2013). Orphaned by her mother at the age of seven, she was raised by her uncles who followed Catholicism, but at 14 she was introduced to Candomblé. He graduated with a specialization in Public Health from the Escola Baiana de Medicina, working with children for 30 years. She caused controversy when she became the mother of a saint at Terreiro Ilê Axé Opó Afonjá, relatively early, at the age of 50. Ialorixá is also known for defending the end of religious syncretism, highlighting respect for the individuality of each religion. ————————– Subscribe to our channel! / tvufba Follow our social networks: Facebook: / webtvfuba Twitter: / webtvufba Instagram: https://www.instragram.com/tvufba Official Website: http://www2.tv.ufba.br