Today I will introduce you to my newest acquisition, an ice machine! I'm already telling you that I'm in love with it and using it a lot. I'll show you how it works, all the functions and lots of tips, including energy consumption! Get your Ice Maker at these links: https://amzn.to/48JRJYS https://bit.ly/MaquinadeGeloMondial My cookbooks: https://bit.ly/LivrosFSO Visit my websites: Oil-Free Fryer - https://fritadeirasemoleo.com.br Pressure Cooker Recipes - https://receitasnapressao.com.br Bread Machine - https://maquinadepao.com.br Sou Gourmet - https://sougourmet.com.br Follow Maurício Rodrigues: Facebook: / mauricioloiolarodrigues Instagram: @mauriciorodrigues @fritadeiras @maquinadepao @receitasnapressao Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] #MauricioRodrigues #MaquinadeGelo #Gelo Music CC BY License 4.0 Title: Positive Rock and Sunkissed Samba - Artist: by Hooksounds Exclusive @hooksounds https://www.hooksounds.com