Moto Turbine: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_ATUqEF Adapter for Turbine: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_AL0WiL Flanges for installing Turbine: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_A0Rhob Assembled Moped Alpha with Turbine from Aliexpress. First launch of Turbo Alpha on injector. My telegram: https://t.me/YuryKorMoto 00:00 Where did Turbo Alpha come from? 01:56 Interesting fact 02:54 New fuel pump 03:49 Installing an injector on Alpha 05:42 Installing a turbine on an Alpha moped 07:01 First launch of Alpha on an injector and turbine 09:07 Setting up an injector on Alpha 12:05 First trip My name is Yura MOTOKOR - and this is my warm, cozy channel about motorcycle equipment and garage schizophrenia.