Only the best fishing goods from Japan - http://www.jpsnasti.ru/ Kyrgyzstan Cup 2023 The interior design of bags or baccans for trout fishing is a very important and, most importantly, relevant topic. In the modern world, anglers who are fond of trout fishing have several hundred spinners and the same number of wobblers in their arsenal, storing them in boxes or wallets is not the most convenient option. The main task in tuning a baccan is the easy accessibility of baits in competition conditions and convenient placement of baits on the "working surface". Our correspondent Sergey Abroskin made a short review of the gear of the participants of the open Kyrgyzstan Cup 2023, namely, he asked: who and how solved the problem of easily accessible placement of baits! We wish you a pleasant viewing! TROUT-ARENA product catalog - https://clck.ru/33chVn Meiho product catalog - https://clck.ru/33kncU Branded merch “Japanese tackle” - https://clck.ru/33byQA Subscribe to our communities in VK and TELEGRAM: VK - http://vk.com/jpsnasti TELEGRAM - https://t.me/jpsnasti