Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu, or simply Tsukimichi, is generating a lot of curiosity about why Makoto doesn't get past level 1. And my mission was to go after it so I could bring you a little more about his powers. We've already seen Makoto Misumi's true powers in past videos, right? But the fact that he's very strong and yet is considered level 1 caught our attention. For those who don't know the anime, Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu stars Makoto, one of the three World Travelers who was summoned to the Goddess' World through an agreement made by his parents and her. But, upon arriving there, Makoto is abandoned due to his appearance, and then the Goddess secretly kidnaps two other people from Earth and sends them to her world as heroes. In other words, we can already imagine the things that can happen. So, if you're curious to know a little more about Makoto's powers, get your popcorn ready because the video is awesome. And just to remind you that this video was made from THEORIES, because so far we don't have any explanation, not even in WN. Oh, and if you like Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu as much as I do and want to continue, you can find out all the curiosities, leave suggestions for topics in the comments, because here on the channel all suggestions are welcome. And also leave us what you expect from the 2nd season of the anime. Tsukimichi's playlist here on the channel: • TSUKIMICHI: THE TRUE POWERS OF... Hope you have fun! Join our Discord: / discord Social Networks: 📸 Instagram: @bn4ss 🐥 Twitter: @bn4ss Contact email: [email protected] #TsukigaMichibikuIsekaiDouchuu #Tsukimichi #MakotoNivel1