In Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu, or simply Tsukimichi, our beloved Makoto Misumi has been through difficult times in his story since the moment he was summoned to the Goddess' world. And in one of the extra chapters of the story, the Gods gather and finally talk about Makoto's fate. One of the things that caught our attention the most is that the Gods discovered Makoto's real talent and revealed what his ending will be. Will he really return to Japan in the end? And it doesn't stop there, they also said that Makoto wasn't supposed to be alive... yeah, I'm sure you didn't expect that. For those who are lost and don't know what the anime is about, Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu portrays the story of Makoto Misumi, who is summoned to an alternative world as a brave warrior. Unfortunately, the goddess of that world scornfully told him, “Your face is ugly,” stripped him of his title, and banished him to the outskirts of the “wild.” After being literally discarded, the Goddess summoned two new heroes, Hibiki and Tomoki. And while wandering through this wild land, Makoto encountered dragons, spiders, orcs, dwarves, and all manner of non-human species. Due to the differences in the environment from his homeworld, he now displays extraordinary powers in magic and combat. The Goddess is an unnamed deity who is the manager of the otherworld, which is the main setting of the anime. Even though she understands the deal she made with her parents and gods, her selfish nature refused to accept Makoto, causing her to take others without permission. This caused her to be punished by the other gods, in addition to being unaware of Makoto’s activities in her world. She had arranged to leave him alone after a few incidents, giving him the ability to communicate with everything except other Hyumans. That is until Sofia removed the Goddess' blessing when she fought Makoto with Mitsurugi. However, Makoto is still able to communicate with other species. In addition, we have other Gods, such as Tsukuyomi, who is the deity that rules the Moon and the one who took on the job of transferring Makoto Misumi from Earth to the other world. Tsukuyomi also gave his blessing of power to Makoto and then helped him after the Goddess left him in the Wasteland in his world. So now that you know a little about the Gods and about Makoto Misumi, you are ready to know what they really revealed about him. So if you are curious, just prepare the popcorn and sit on the couch because the video is awesome! And of course it will contain SPOILERS, so stay tuned! Oh, and if you like Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu as much as I do and want to stay up to date with all the curiosities, leave suggestions for topics in the comments, because here on the channel all suggestions are welcome. And also leave it here for us if you're looking forward to the new season of the anime. Playlist for you to know all the curiosities of Tsukimichi: • TSUKIMICHI: THE TRUE POWERS OF... I hope you have fun! Join our Discord: / discord Social Networks: 📸 Instagram: @bn4ss 🐥 Twitter: @bn4ss Contact email: [email protected] ♬ Music: ✓ Music by Epidemic Sound #Tsukimichi #TsukimichiSpoilers #MakotoMisumi