URINARY TRACT INFECTION: Tips + Recommended foods ● 0:04 - Urinary tract infection or cystitis ● 0:21 - Symptoms of urinary tract infection ● 1:15 - How to avoid urinary tract infection ● 2:36 - Foods for cystitis - - - Become a member of this channel to enjoy benefits: / @embarazobebes ::: Introduction ::: SYMPTOMS OF URINARY TRACT INFECTION During pregnancy, it is common to suffer from urinary tract infection or cystitis. Although it is not a serious condition, learning how to prevent urinary tract infection will save you a lot of discomfort and complications. As you may have seen, among the most common symptoms of urinary tract infection are the urgent need to go to the bathroom, pain and burning when urinating, a feeling of not emptying the bladder completely, and even the presence of blood. Future mother, it is very important to start taking measures as soon as you detect that you are suffering from a urinary tract infection. If you do not treat it urgently, cystitis could spread and put the baby's health at risk. But do not worry! Treating them in time makes it easy to disappear. Today we want to give you some very effective tips and some recommendations on nutrition to avoid urinary tract infections during pregnancy. Will you join us? HOW TO AVOID URINARY tract INFECTIONS 1. Drink between one and two liters of water a day. This simple fact will help eliminate the bacteria that accumulate in the bladder and urinary tract. 2. Wear cotton underwear. It will improve perspiration and prevent the proliferation of bacteria in the intimate area [ … ] ???? [ Learn the rest of the TIPS TO AVOID CYSTITIS in the video shown ABOVE ] ???? FEEDING TIPS Blueberries: Did you know that blueberries are powerful allies against urinary tract infections? When eaten, they act as an excellent natural antibiotic. They contain substances that prevent bacteria from adhering to the walls of the bladder [ … ] ???? [ Learn about the rest of the FOODS FOR URINARY INFECTION in the video shown ABOVE ] ???? In addition to these feeding tips, watch our video: Best foods to raise defenses ❣️→ • 8 FOODS to RAISE DEFENSES ????... If you have symptoms of a urinary tract infection or cystitis, go to your doctor so that he can recommend a safe antibiotic treatment for you and your baby. In this way, the urinary tract infection will disappear in a few days and you will avoid complications. Pregnancy and babies Spain. Content made in Spain. Especially aimed at Moms Spain and Moms United States. Latina moms and pregnant women living in the US - - - If you liked the video, you can subscribe: https://goo.gl/bhioi2 - - - OUR SOCIAL NETWORKS ???????? ● Facebook: / abortobebess ● Instagram: / ● Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/EmbarazoyBeb... ● Twitter: / abortobebes ● Web: https://www.embarazobebes.com/ ● Youtube: / @embarazobebes