Description for YouTube: In this suspenseful tale, a powerful shaman from Madura, Kyai Surya, must face Ki Sakera, a shaman from Banyuwangi who is filled with revenge after his family is cursed with black magic. The battle between black magic and supernatural powers takes them into a dimension deeper than the human world. Using the power of magic and a battle of souls, Kyai Surya risks his life to save his daughter, Ayu, from a deadly curse. However, this victory does not come without great sacrifice. Watch as Kyai Surya's spiritual and inner struggle brings unexpected consequences. Hashtags: #MysteryStories #MaduraVsBanyuwangiShaman #InvisibleFight #IndonesianLegends #MaduraSantet #InvisiblePowers #HorrorStories #IndonesianStories #InvisibleWorld