Trees on fields and pastures - it's all about the mix! Agroforestry is actually nothing new, but it is currently experiencing a comeback. Modern agroforestry systems offer many advantages in times of the climate crisis. The two agroforestry pioneers Paul Raabe from Hof Lebensberg and Hans Pfeffer from Bannmühle explain why agroforestry is the agriculture of the future for some. More information on the subject of agroforestry: https://www.oekolandbau.de/bio-im-all... https://www.oekolandbau.de/landwirtsc... Link to the cited study on wheat cultivation in agroforestry systems: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10457-018-02... Sources: With the kind support of Christian Böhm, Michael Hauschild, Philipp Gerhardt, Julia Günzel, Christopher Morhart, Rico Hübner all DeFAF e. V., vchalup/stock.adobe.com (00:38), Powerofforever via Getty Images (00:38), Wikipedia (00:40).